Product design services firm

Product design services firm

Searching for Product design & development tricks ? As a product designer, you need to focus on function over features. It is easy for a great product to get bogged down with too many bells and whistles. As a designer, you may be thrilled at how versatile your design is. But sometimes people don’t want a clever device — they want something that just works. The more features there are, the less intuitive and simple a product becomes. Sometimes a screwdriver is better than a swiss-army knife. Think about the purpose of your product. What is your mission statement? What is your mandate as a designer? Take inspiration from these simple products that made millions of dollars.

Entrepreneurs are born, not made, so it’s safe to say they often think as a businessperson all the time. It’s a way of life for many entrepreneurial men and women. But when it comes to product development, you have to think like your consumer and not yourself. Put aside the pride you have for your idea and the realization of it and think about how your buyer would perceive this every single step of the way. Any time you make a modification to the product or the idea behind it, you have to ask yourself if a consumer wants or needs this and determine whether or not as a buyer yourself, you’d buy this product as is from someone else. See more details on Launching a business.

Ensure consistency by creating a branding style guide. Once you’ve defined a brand strategy, built a framework for the brand identity and created the basic visual elements of this brand in the form of a logo, website etc., a crucial next step is to maintain consistency across all platforms and teams via a brand style guide. As a centralized document housing all the key information about your branding, at the bare minimum your style guide should include: Your brand story; Details on the brand voice – guidelines for copy; Logo and logo variations – when and where and how to use each; Color palette; Brand fonts and how to use them; Imagery guidelines

Start-Up advice of the day : But don’t forget offline opportunities: Step away from the computer, put away your smartphone, and find people in real life at conferences and networking events. The connection you can make with a person face-to-face is naturally stronger than one mediated between screens. And of course, don’t forget a professional business card to turn your encounter into a relationship. Source: