Wellness content marketing tricks by Contentago

Wellness content marketing tricks by Contentago

Recommended health & wellness content producers and marketing tips? With the increasing use of digital media in almost every sphere of business processes, SaaS-based product or service offering is the new in. Content marketing is an important tool to generate new leads, increase awareness about the brand, and convert new customers. However, despite the many benefits of content marketing, only 11% of SaaS companies use content marketing as part of their strategy. SaaS Content Marketing is a great way to enable your target audience to learn about your product, services, features and even how it adds value to the particular industry or business segment you are targeting.

Healthcare content marketing is now a must-have to help hospitals and healthcare providers educate and reach out to their customers. It enables healthcare companies to create awareness and engage with the patients for a more holistic approach. In just the past two years, healthcare content marketing adoption has increased by 25% and demonstrated positive results. If you are thinking of using content marketing in healthcare, here are four tips to help you get ahead in the digital race. The first step towards a successful content marketing strategy is having a plan of action. Before you implement content marketing in your approach, think of the goals and KPIs you’ll focus on. For example, if your content marketing KPI is increasing readership, your objective should be to get an ‘x number of readers to your website’ using your content marketing efforts. Find extra info at health & wellness content writers.

One of the fundamental steps to a successful guest blogging strategy is picking the right websites. In addition to niche relevancy, you also need to look for sites that already have a steady stream of traffic. This will help you connect with people who are already interested in what you offer as a business. Always emphasize an actionable step when developing the page that you’re bringing traffic to. It should be related to the guest post you’ve submitted to the other blog. Otherwise, your link is nothing more than a disruption in your audience’s journey — a waste of time for them and a lost lead for you.

Lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, obesity, etc. are commonplace. A majority of the population either already has some form of lifestyle disease or is at risk of getting one. You can help them manage the condition with informative health and wellness articles. While working out at the gym is great, many do not find the time to make it to the gym. However, this shouldn’t deter them from staying active. You can suggest home workouts that do not need any equipment.

Contentago is an on-demand platform for niche related content specifically for health & wellness ecommerce businesses, content marketing to aid health & wellness brands be noticed from the crowd. Our awesome algorithm finds the best writer for your job, and they start writing your article. Industry Experience : We’ve been in your shoes. We’ve scaled revenue for health and wellness ecommerce brands and established niche authority via quality content. Read additional information on https://contentago.com/.