Buy toner cartridges online

Buy toner cartridges online

Here are several advices about how to lower the price of your printing jobs. Exercise caution while replacing your cartridges. It is likely that you will be replacing cartridges regularly so you must read the instructions carefully and master the art of replacing cartridges. Be careful not to touch the bottom of the cartridge while replacing it, as touching can spoil the quality of print. Make sure you buy high quality cartridges that are not so delicate to handle. Don’t wait till your cartridges run dry completely. Printer software provides notifications when cartridge levels fall below normal. Take the cue and replace your cartridge before they run out of ink. A dry cartridge leads to unwanted wear and tear on your printer head.

At some point, you’ve probably seen a document come out of a printer with white lines running across the text or graphics that are missing ink, even though the cartridges are full. This means that the printer heads are clogged and need to be cleaned. Check out the manual that came with your printer or look on the manufacturer’s website to find out how to clean the printer heads on your particular model; many printers will self-clean with just a few clicks but can also be cleaned manually if you prefer. Just be careful not to clean the heads more often than necessary, as the cleaning process will use some ink.

What’s the difference between a 12-point font and a 14-point font? Size, certainly, but also the amount of ink used–so super-size only when you need to. Give your documents an extra read through before you print them out, and you might save yourself a reprint. Printers are factory set to be ink guzzlers, but that’s easy enough to change. To update your printer’s default settings on a Windows-based computer, click start > printers > right click on your printer and select printer preferences.

Proper care starts the moment you bring home a new cartridge. Before you install the cartridge, be sure to inspect it. Gently shake the cartridge or tap it on a hard surface a couple times to prime the ink. On the top of most cartridges, you’ll find a piece of plastic tape that covers the vent hole and a plastic clip that is protecting the cartridge while in transit. Not every cartridge will have a clip or tape, but if they do it’s important to remove them before you try installing your ink. We recommend doing this over a trashcan as ink can sometimes escape from the cartridge when you remove the tape. On the side of the cartridge, you might notice a gold contact chip. This chip is very sensitive, as it is the electric component that communicates with the printer once it is installed. If you do accidentally touch it with your finger or notice a bit of dust, gently wipe it clean with a Q-tip or lint-free cloth.

Smart Print Supplies is a Fargo, North Dakota based toner cartridge replacements manufacturer and distributor. We provide 100% US-made premium toner cartridges that are compatible with a wide range of laser printers. We also produce replacements for the discontinued and new printer models. Our products undergo strict ISO and STMC international standards. We carefully screen our products to ensure that we only deliver the best of quality to every customer and guarantee 100% satisfaction in every purchase and use. See extra info at Premium toner cartridges.

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