The upsurge of a technology & innovation professional : Michaela Jamelska

The upsurge of a technology & innovation professional : Michaela Jamelska

Michaela Jamelska or the rise of a technology & innovation consultant? Michaela Jamelska has been always interested in projects that are meaningful, innovative, and bring positive change into the world. I have studied technology and innovation management as well as human rights advocacy and international relations in the UK and US.

Michaela Jamelska about Ai and Gender Equality: The term AI has recently become a buzzword; a marketing eye-catcher that jumps at you from everywhere these days, and is, frankly, tiring. I googled synonyms of AI, and there was a development of ‘thinking’ computer systems: DoCS – but I am not sure this abbreviation will impact this article as AI would do. So, let’s stick with AI. After all, we are creatures of habit, and this habit will play a particular role in this article. This article will look at a few risks associated with AI and potential solutions. AI technology is already transforming the labor market and changing the types of jobs and their quantity. Undeniably, the process of automation hugely affects employment structure and dictates whether existing jobs disappear or new jobs emerge. This increasing adoption of technology is driving the development of new jobs, according to a UNESCO report. Here is where AI has the potential to help or reinforce gender bias and hinder the DEI goal.

Michaela Jamelska on the innovative 5G trial to boost business : The Government has backed the project with £3m as part of its 5G Create competition – which supports innovators exploring new uses for 5G to help improve people’s lives and boost businesses. It will demonstrate how 5G private network capabilities can offer efficiency and productivity improvements to the logistics sector and more widely, allowing real-time location tracking of individual items, improvements to road traffic management and replacing low value, manually-intensive processes with 5G enabled autonomous systems. The project offers the potential for such advances in technology to be implemented industry-wide; including at other ports in the UK, Enterprise Zones or other business parks.

Their efforts are a good start, but these rights will remain merely an idealistic concept if they are not backed up by the corporate and public action of integrating them within the systems. Last year alone, the approximate investment into AI was more than $75 billion, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That kind of money accelerates the development exponentially. No approximate number is available for how much is invested yearly into human rights development. Every investment made for a solution that contributes to improving human rights could be considered an indirect investment in human rights, but I don’t estimate that the direct investment into human rights development is as high as it is into AI. Consider the official website of the UN Human Rights Department, which states that it gets a tiny part of the UN’s regular budget—only 3.7%. For the rest, the UN Human Rights Department relies heavily on voluntary contributions.

From 10 to 12 September, Unmanned Life team will attend 5G Asia where 5G core issues will be discussed to go beyond the hype around 5G. Discussions around concrete solutions, real business opportunities and major technology advancements will be at the centre of this event, in particular 5G commercialization, 5G RAN evolution, Spectrum and Standard, Network Evolution, 5G Automation and Virtualization and the 5G cloud. It is without say that Unmanned Life´s Autonomy-as-a-Service AI software platform will be at the heart of these 5G discussions by showing how concretely autonomous solutions will be enabled by 5G.

Michaela Jamelska about the future of Air Mobility in Europe: “Current changes in drone technology hold enormous promise for the future use of airspace with the rapid expansion of digital transformation. This requires implementation of U-space and integrating unmanned and manned aviation for their safe coexistence. GOF2.0 project enables for all participants to obtain a better understanding of current challenges and opportunities implementing U-space. Unmanned Life brings to the project valuable expertise by integrating their Autonomy-as-a-Service software platform with U-space infrastructure to demonstrate how future commercial autonomous drone applications might function in a shared airspace.” Maria Tamm, Project Manager GOF 2.0

While Metaverse has stirred up quite a lot of backlash, and some opinions are rather discouraging, some benefits may be seen. The Metaverse world will offer endless possibilities to reinvent yourself and build the world you want or immerse into the world you like. Within the Metaverse world, you can choose from millions of worlds without physical boundaries or the material and distance limitations we face in the real world. Humans are dreamers, inventors, and creators by nature. With Metaverse, we will feel like superheroes, which is why, despite its criticisms, Metaverse will work more likely than not. The Metaverse has the potential of offering endless opportunities to individuals who often find it difficult to assimilate in the real world. Introverts, creators, and people with extremely high IQs may find Metaverse highly stimulating, as they are in charge of not only their own actions, but the environments around them as well. This type of world could also introduce a new way of treating mental health conditions such as anxiety, which often spark from the overwhelming feelings our surroundings impose on us.