List of my favorite self-care ideas

List of my favorite self-care ideas

Self confidence is very important in this 2019 world full of speed and stress. Let’s be honest, there are a ton of tasks that we all need to take care of during our day. Maybe you’re just getting started with your store, so you’ll need to take care of your design, find products to sell, and then come up with marketing campaigns so you can promote your business. And it doesn’t end once you’ve setup your store either. Maybe you’ll need to take care of some customer service issues, manage your social media accounts, or test out some new marketing channels. Like we said – tons of tasks. And if you wake up in the morning facing a huge list of stuff which you need to deal with, how do you know where to start? It’s just like the saying goes: “by failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail.” Incorporate a slot into your morning routine just to plan out your daily tasks.

Perhaps the most important element of a productive morning is your routine. Nearly every productivity expert recommends a morning routine, although each one is just a bit different! It isn’t so much about what is in your morning routine, just that you have one. According to Claire Diaz Ortiz, productivity expert and author of Design Your Day, the best thing you can do to be productive is to create your ideal morning routine. She explains that how you start your day anchors you and ensures you stay focused on what is most important. You must master a consistent morning routine to achieve your highest level of productivity!

If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and will encourage you to do another task. And then another, and then another. And by the end of the day, that one task completed will turn into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter. If you can’t do the little things right, you’ll never be able to do the big things right. And if, by chance, you’ll have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made. That you made. See additional info on

Find a style confidence role model. We are always our own worst critic, that’s why it can help to see things from another perspective. Pick a person in the public eye or even someone you know, who shares some of the attributes you are self-conscious about and has great style and confidence. Whenever you are not sure about your look from now on, ask yourself: Would XYZ wear this? Don’t let insecurities taint your true personal style. It’s likely that you have already internalised many of your self-imposed fashion-rules (like “don’t wear skinny jeans”) and automatically ignore certain things while looking for style inspiration. To get a more accurate picture of your personal style, imagine your fairy godmother gave you total confidence. What would you wear? Check out this post if you need a little creative inspiration.

Our surroundings affect us on the subconscious level more than we realize. Therefore, you should strive towards creating an environment that fosters peace and relaxation and make sure that it’s as pleasant as possible. You can do this by indulging your senses. Fill your home with pleasant scents either with fresh flowers or by using essential oil diffusers, make sure there’s calming music playing softly in the background and please your eyes by placing your favourite accessories on the display throughout your home.

If you’re only doing something because everybody else is doing it but you absolutely hate it, the more likely it is that you won’t commit to it. The key in sticking to your self-care routine is finding activities that you love and that you look forward to at the end of a long day. To create a daily self-care routine that works for you and your lifestyle, try experimenting with different things that light you up and make you happy. Read additional info at