Chiropractic care clinic in Allen, TX

Chiropractic care clinic in Allen, TX

A few recommendations to prevent neck pain. Sleep sideways. You don’t want to sleep flat on your back. The best position for sleeping is on your side. If you must sleep on your stomach, put a pillow under your lower abdomen to help take stress off your back. Having a supportive mattress and pillow for your head are vital as well. “Getting enough, restful sleep is always an important part of maintaining good health,” Lustig says. Also, if you exercise during the day, you sleep better at night.

Put out that cigarette: We all know smoking is a serious health risk, and smokers are also more likely to experience back pain than nonsmokers. One reason for this is that nicotine restricts blood flow to the disks in the spine. This can cause them to dry out, crack, or rupture. Smoking also reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, which causes a reduction in nourishment to the muscles and tendons in the back. An unhealthy, weak back is more vulnerable to accidental strains and pulls that cause back pain.

Lower back pain, also called lumbar spine pain, is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Lower back pain is the most common reason for missed work and the second most common reason for a doctor’s visit. Lower back pain can affect anyone. The lower back is made up of five moveable vertebra and numerous muscle groups. Research at The American Chronic Pain Association shows chiropractic adjustments are a safe and reliable treatment for the lower back pain. Lower back pain can come from the intervertebral joints, facets, disc, ligaments, muscles and nerve roots. Lower back pain can stay at the lower back or travel downward into the buttock, legs, and feet. It can affect one or both legs. Shooting, sharp, tingling and numbness down the legs can accompany more serious lower back pain. Over 80% of Americans will suffer from Lower Back Pain in their lives. See more info at Lower back pain specialist.

What Triggers Headaches? Noise, stress, light, food, a change in blood sugar as well as lifestyles are among many things that could trigger a headache. Among all headaches, 95% are termed primary headaches which implies that they do not occur as a result of an underlying disease but simply a headache. Migraines, cluster as well as tension headaches can be classified as primary headaches. What might seem oblivious to many is that most primary headaches could be traced down to tension in the muscle located around the neck. This is due to the sedentary lifestyles of many, long office hours fixed in a sitting position among many other factors could bring about muscle tension as well as joint irritation which could eventually lead to a headache.

Most people believe it’s best not to move what hurts. Actually, it’s the opposite. Arthritis sufferers need to move in order to free up the joints and liberate the fluids. Improved mobility is just one of many benefits of stretching. Consistent stretching gives back range of motion in the synovial joints. Stretching even transforms mood. Try these stretches and brighten up your day. The purpose of the stretch is to target the calf muscle and to a minor extent, the knee. An exercise band or light resistance band works best. If the equipment isn’t within reach, use a towel.

In addition to manual treatments, suggesting a course of action which includes exercise, nutritional counselling, preventive injury techniques, ultrasound or laser treatments and rehabilitation is what chiropractors are trained to do. Ailments such as injuries to the tendons, muscles, ligaments or nerves and chronic conditions which may vary from inflammatory arthritis, spinal stenosis as well as osteoarthritis which a chiropractor can help relieve and also restore function in certain areas of the body such as: Head and neck, Shoulders, etc. Source: Chiropractor Allen TX.