Laser face treatments advices

Laser face treatments advices

Dermatologist tips from the top Medispa medical center in Bracknell. Consider a chemical peel. Weekly chemical peels help healthy bacteria grow. Gritty scrubs have the opposite effect, triggering collagen-destroying enzymes. Glycolic acid works, too. New to chemical peels? Try glycolic acid for normal skin, salicylic acid for oily or combination skin, and gentle lactic acid for dry or sensitive skin.

Can you go blind? No. Your technician should be trained properly to apply the adhesive and lashes in a way that is completely harmless. Your eyes are closed the entire time of the procedure. No matter how bad an allergic reaction may get, you will never go blind. The worse case scenario is that you need to go to the eye doctor to get specific eye drops to treat an allergic reaction. What happens when you cry? If you experience any burning or discomfort during the procedure, causing your eyes to tear or making you cry, this is a huge red flag and you should certainly speak up. You may need to have your technician change the glue. Getting lash extensions should be a completely pain-free experience.

Feeling ‘frozen’ can actually feel good. If there’s one thing everyone seems to fear about Botox, it’s looking like an expressionless robot. Isn’t it freaky not to be able to move certain parts of your face? In my experience, no. The inability to knit my brows together when my husband makes a snarky comment or my kids grind couscous into the carpet has actually been a kind of relief. The faces we make carry emotional weight. You’ve probably heard that simply smiling more can make you feel happier — and it turns out that not frowning can have the same effect.

We are proud to be leading Berkshire experts in safe, affordable and highly effective laser tattoo removal from our state-of-the-art Bracknell clinic. We only use the best lasers available – Harmony Multi-colour Tattoo Removal is a high power Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, ideal for treating darker ink colours (black, blue and green), while the 532nm wavelength is effective for brighter ink colours (reds, orange and yellow). The Q-Switched can effectively work by vibrating and breaking down the ink particles in the tattoo. As the area heals, the body’s immune system flushes away the shattered ink particles, casing the tattoo to fade with minimal risk of scarring or hypopigmentation. Prior to treatment, a free consultation at our Bracknell clinic is carried out in which a medical history is taken to confirm suitability for treatment. There is also an opportunity for any questions you may have to be answered. Before treatment commences you will be asked to give informed consent, and a small test patch will be carried out at least 24 hours prior to your first session. Read extra details at

Check Your Medications. It’s important that when you speak to your laser professional that you inform them of all of the medications that you’re taking, both oral and topical. Some medications can intervene with your laser treatments, making them less effective. Other medications can make the skin sensitive and more likely to burn or blister. You should especially inform your laser technician if you are on antibiotics, birth control, acne, and photosensitizing medications. You won’t have to stop taking your medication, but your laser professional will be able to adjust your treatment accordingly and proceed with caution. Additionally, if you begin taking any new medications you should be sure to let them know prior to your next appointment.