Video production firm Winston Salem

Video production firm Winston Salem

Video production provider North Carolina? Ignoring lighting when shooting indoors can make your videos look dark. That’s why indoor video shoots require additional preparation. Adding lights is ideal. If that’s not possible, check out the available lighting sources. If you’re shooting video of people, get as much light in their faces as you can. But don’t be fooled by overhead lights. While they may be bright, they only light the tops of people’s heads, leaving their facial features shadowy.

From audio, to video, to lighting, we’ll cover all our bases to make sure everyone at your live event has the best experience possible. Our matching cameras can be switched for live streaming, projection screens, or recording in real time. We use up to four matching HD cameras so you get a consistent, smooth flowing video stream instead of choppy, lagging footage. Live webcasting is a relatively new method of communication that brings your event to a greater audience than those in the room. You can stream your live event to a select group of viewers or to the entire world! We shoot in HD quality so you can stream video to your ideal audience flawlessly in real time. See additional info on epic media pro.

A kicker light below the subject can give just a bit more definition to the face of people in your shot. A small light focused on the hairline can help separate dark hair from the shadows in the background. When it comes to these extras, add them sparingly, as too many pieces can quickly add noise to the picture. We are passionate about helping cinematographers just like you bring your vision to life through all aspects of photography and videography – including the latest in lighting tech and expertise. To learn more, as well as see the entire online catalog of camera gear products, visit our main home page and shop for digital cameras, lenses and much more.

And here is our daily tip for photographers: Event photography is not something to mess around with. And event photographers find themselves in hot water at an unfortunate rate. This can be disgruntled brides wanting a refund because they overspent on their wedding. Or angry parents upset at you for a circumstance beyond your control. One of the best things you can do for your business is hiring a good contract lawyer. A contract lawyer will ensure that you cannot be sued or held accountable for situations that are far beyond your control. And they won’t let clients request deceptive refunds. Make sure that all your paperwork is either written by or approved by a contract lawyer. If you operate a photography business, it is good practice in general to have your favorite lawyer on retainer. If a not-so-fun circumstance arises. they’re there to help.

Instead of running with any idea that lands on our desk, we’ll guide you through your project from pre-production to the final product. We’ll be perfectly honest if your idea for your video production won’t help you get the best results. We use our inside knowledge of the industry to professionally broadcast your image and engage your audience with the best in-house AV equipment. Read even more details on