Equine mineral products advices and excellent online shopping

Equine mineral products advices and excellent online shopping

Fly repellent for horses tricks and excellent online stores? According to the Merck Vet Manual, horses most often become deficient in these 12 essential minerals and vitamins. Copper: Deficiency may cause a dull coat, poor hoof, weak ligaments and tendons. Selenium: Deficiency may cause white muscle disease and rhabdomyolysis (tying up). Vitamin A: Deficiency may cause night blindness, watery eyes, bone and muscle growth defects, a dull coat, reproductive problems, and increased susceptibility to disease and infection. Vitamin E: Deficiency may cause muscle weakness, typing up, impaired immune function, reproductive failure, and neuromuscular disorders. Vitamin D: Deficiency may cause reduced bone calcification, stiff and swollen joints, stiff gait, and irritability. Thiamine: Deficiency may cause confusion, weakness, weight loss, incoordination, and gait abnormalities.

According to this article by Kentucky Equine Research, sweat is predominantly made of sodium, chloride, and potassium, with other electrolytes like magnesium and calcium present in smaller amounts. The amount of electrolytes a horse loses through sweat depends on heat, humidity, and how hard and long a horse is worked. Electrolytes are also lost through urine and feces, particularly diarrhea. When large amounts are lost, they need to be replaced to help horses rehydrate and recover. See even more information at https://blog.redmondequine.com/garlic-for-horses-which-form-is-best.

Cooling down your horse is crucial in winter. A sweaty horse can easily become chilled in cold or damp weather once exercise is over. Cool your horse slowly by walking at least ten minutes, then dismount and hand-walk your horse for several more minutes before removing the saddle. Make sure to dry your horse thoroughly before putting her back in the paddock/stall or turning her out to feed. Winter exercise burns up more calories, and your horse is already expending a lot of energy just to stay warm. Working in cold weather can also increase your horse’s risk of dehydration, since horses are less interested in drinking during winter months.

Have You Tried Redmond Rock on a Rope? Looking for a versatile and travel-friendly mineral rock for your horse? Try Redmond Rock on a Rope! It provides all the same benefits, equine electrolytes, and 63 trace minerals as original Redmond Rock—but comes on a handy hemp rope. Our smaller-sized salt rock is great for hanging in your horse’s stall, tying to a gate, or traveling in your trailer. How to Use Rock on a Rope (ROR) Tie ROR tight against a post to make it easy for horses to lick. Hang ROR slack in a stall as a healthy alternative to candy balls and boredom busters. Tie ROR to a fence outdoors to keep it out of the dirt and mud. Tie ROR low on a gate so horses can lick and maintain their natural foraging posture.

Temperature: Some like it hot, and some not. Horses like their water tepid–not too hot or cold. This article in The Horse noted research indicates horses prefer lukewarm (68°F) water, especially during cold weather. Acidity. Water acidity affects palatability. According to Kentucky Equine Research, a University of Guelph study found horses are more likely to drink water with a pH of 7.5 (slightly alkaline) than water with acidic levels. Dirty. Unclean or stagnant water can be a floating Petri dish of bacteria and algae. Horses sense when a potential intestinal problem is lurking in murky water and will avoid it. See more information on loose minerals for horses.